Sturdy oat bread

This bread is as tasty as they come. It’s from James’s Beards “Beard on Bread” and really takes the cake for a dense, moist bread that isn’t too much effort. I have modified the recipe so it makes two large loaves instead of three – we simply didn’t have enough bread pans.

3 C boiling water
2 C rolled oats
5.5 C flour
4 tsp active yeast
4 tsp salt
3 tbsp salad oil
1/3 C molasses

Pour water over oatmeal and let cool. The mixture should no longer be steaming, but be cool enough to comfortably stick a finger into. Add 1 C of flour and yeast. Stir in thoroughly and let sit in bowl UNCOVERED until mixture has doubled, at least one hour.

Add other ingredients and mix until it gets stiff enough that kneading is required. Turn onto floured board and knead for at least 10 minutes. Butter two loaf tins, divide dough in half, and let sit until size has doubled. Probably at least one hour.

Bake at 350 for 40-60 minutes or until loaves sound hollow on both top and bottom.

Makes two loaves.